Caribbean Games - Intro

Fun under the sun

At GamePyong, we enjoy games of all shapes and sizes. As a Trinidadian game development studio, one of GamePyong's major objectives is to highlight the indigenous culture of not only Trinidad, but the wider region at large. We aim to do this in the only way we know how: by making games!

In this series of posts, we will be diving into some of the local and regional games played by Caribbean people; from All Fours in Trinidad to Dandy Shandy in Jamaica. We will use these games as inspiration for building playable digital counterparts using HTML5 technology. Some games won't be exact replicas; creative leeway will be exercised where necessary to create a compelling experience.

The games will be built in HTML5 and Javascript using the Phaser game framework. This will allow for maximum cross-platform portability. You will be able to play on your desktop/laptop browser as well as on your smart phone. If time permits, we will attempt to build and upload the games to the Android and iOS app stores too.

Each post will offer a glimpse under the hood of the making of the game. The game design techniques used will be outlined and we'll go into all the juicy technical details. And of course, we'll include a link to the game for you to play right on your desktop or mobile browser!

Building two games per week and posting about them is a bit of a challenge given time constraints, so we'll try to aim for at least one game per week and maybe a tutorial on game development or some other game-related post. Feel free to suggest your favourite local games in the comments section below and we'll try to build them!

Stay tuned for more!


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